SongCreator V0.3R
Tuplets - 3Duration Multipler:
if 3 notes then *=0.667
if 2 notes then *= 1.49....
Valid duration of all notes adds up to eligible list of
default note durations for every note type
dotted notes not eligable
Is not a Note Effect, rather a Duration Multipler
One example:
3 Notes: Adds up to duration of 2.0
Tuplet length is duration *= 0.667(ish)
This is a combination of tuplet lengths
We can have Three Quarter Notes set to tuplets
By default without tuplet this would be 3.0 duration
With tuplets this is 2.0 duration
3 notes duration have been reduced.
2 Notes:
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In this version, Tuplets have been added.
For the SongVisualizer and SongCreator.
For Creating the Guitar Pro files
and for Opening the Guitar Pro files to display the notation live.
Tuplet is a Note Length Duration Modifier.
The calculation is based on if 3 notes or 2 notes.
The sum of the Tuplets
including the duration modifier
adds up to the base note duration of any
default note length: Quarter note, Whole, Half, Eighth...
there's a list of valid lengths for 3 note and 2 note variations that vary.
In other words I've told my python pyguitarpro programming project this additional variable to consider.
This is for version SongCreator V0.3R.
P.S - You may notice in the screenshot above I have an "Intro" section. Maybe i'll get into more details about that later :)