
D_Mixolydian Backstory

I’ve been waiting a long time to share this.
From my first album, I have 12 songs written by my “SongCreator” python pycharm pyguitarpro Private programming project.
This album took me 2 weeks to write, 3 days to record and 2 days to mix. For more details on this GitHub repro, I document my progress publicly here:

This specific song in particular is Track #1. D_Mixolydian. (The reason why I have the song name with “_” inside of it, is because I had to use a Selenium Webdriver Automation Framework to pull >=1,200 scales from a website, check my website url above for more information. I documented the process).

Funny story is that this album art is actually contradictory to tracks #1,7. Both recorded with a Gibson, not a Fender as the album art suggests. Could you tell? Compare the hum bucker sound versus the single coil. There’s a difference. Could you pick up on it? I can, in that the tone is dirtier. I don’t know how else to describe it, but it’s there and with enough listens you can tell too.

Anyways this is the first song I recorded once I deemed the SongCreator “good enough”. Like I said I had to write a Programming Project to Generate this Guitar Pro file notation. What you’re seeing is the output of the program. So while you can see the song, you cannot see the source code as to how I designed the song to be Generated.

My goal for the SongCreator project was to simplify the songwriting process. Far too long have I transcribed improvisations. There’s a difficulty when deciding between Transcription and Plain o Writing things and playing them. The goal of any song is to hit 100% of notes. The strong point that Rocksmith offers is VISUAL NOTATION. Only requiring a few playthroughs rather than meticulously training hour by hour.

The art of recording a precise song such as this album demonstrates is the benificiality of using a great tool than just the human mind. A computer memory.

Warning I may copy/paste this description for each song and change the title and little backstory. Save me some trouble.

P.s - Designed for HEADPHONES with LEFT,CENTER,RIGHT - Three Dimensions.

Aren’t you tired of One Dimensional guitar? I am. There’s Two other Dimensions to #traverse.
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