Kyle Abent

This website is meant to show off:
  • College projects
  • Guitar songwriting and recordings
  • Siege video game programming and level design.
  • Android APK connected to back end of this website (one day)

Changelog Wishlist
  • Share more progress of the project that I currently have as private
  • Anticipate release date: September 10th, 2021. (Apple Music)
  • Studying Notation
  • Upload the audio
  • Upload the audio split from the track
  • Upload the AUDIO included with video
  • Upload the audio split from the track
  • Hear the alarm loop
  • (Over in /experience.html#podcasts)
    I've written a JDBC/JSP/Java Servlet/Glassfish/Mysql whatever you want to call it Netbeans project to generate a html file using JSON data for my KAE Podcasts.
    This way I can generate pages based on data rather than manually. Although i'm still going to generate the files myself client side localhost then upload html.

  • Would be nice to install glassfish on this website so I only have to generate the data rather than data and html
  • It would be neat to have a database of all my playthroughs. Which is possible. Because that's what I'm building with this JSON Data and such. Database of Songs.
    Although I don't have a database for number of plays and such. It's not an impossible idea. The primary key would have to be the song name.(?). Where as right now, the primary key is track # (in relation to the "album" podcast episode, which is ofc. is always unique)
  • Update ROH Event Page with another GIF..
  • Listen to this journal/diary entry/recording 8 hours on loop.
5.17.20 Updated Section with video and pics: Added subnav to /experience,/siege/spacecow
  • Enjoy that siege filled and chill???
5.24.20 Updated Siege Zero Changelog:
  • Chill because I did a lot today. Like more than 8 hours non stop writing. hehe.
5.17.20 Updated Section with video and pics: Added subnav to /experience,/siege/spacecow
  • Enjoy that siege filled and chill???
5.11.20 Added page:
  • Add that camera picture that I haven't added.
5.10.20 Added page:
  • Elaborate more on the volume audio levels such as 10 for: sum 41, the wonder years/tigers jaw, new found glory/bayside. volume level 6 for rise against. These compared to the special recording required for Senses Fail
4.25.20 Added page:
  • Well I just discovered I have 3 soundcheck recordings so my wish has been granted here really ;)
4.24.20 Added page:
  • Add next entrant to this page
4.23.20 Added page:
  • 10 Years, Sum 41, GBH ... nfg ...
4.19.20 Added pages:
  • Beautify formatting?? :P
  • More pics from same event. Other events: nxt(1), nxt(2). Same venue.
  • Elaborate on the: left, center, right for description of audio. The LOUD singing from the crowd... mesmarizing... :D
  • Currently on the silverstein page is a preview and not the entire release. hint hint.
  • Replace "Guitar" text for /experience.html page (Nav)
  • Add more detail to Senses Fail Concert Page
  • Add /Concerts/Minus_The_Bear
  • Add /Concerts/Sum_41
  • Add /Concerts/10_Years
  • Add /Concerts/Rise_Against
  • Add /Concerts/GBH
  • Add /Concerts/Sum_41
  • Add /Concerts/The_Wonder_Years
  • Add /Concerts/Tigers_Jaw
  • Add /Concerts/Bayside
  • Add /Concerts/Seaway
  • 12.19.19
    • Got SSL, updated all nav links to not link back to HTTP from HTTPS and visa versa..
    • Added Mapstats Page
    • Add descriptions describing what the functions do and why they're designed this way. How they work and communicate with eachother. Why did I have to write so many functions for the Imaginator and Conductor? what are the Imaginator and Conductor and how do they relate to auto comm? Describe the amount of writing which is required. Add ARC, Crag, Drifter, Mac, Hive management descriptions for AutoComm!
    • Updated Nav between multiple pages to be accurate
    • Added Siege Entities to directory and added page for Siege Entitiess: Functions, Imaginator, Conductor - to list interface
    • Added more Siege Entities to directory: Timer, Doors(Front,Siege), BreakableDoor
    • Added Siege Side Plugins to directoy: Credits, RollTheDice, ZedTime, Mapstats, Director
    • Add descriptions describing what the functions do and why they're designed this way. How they work and communicate with eachother. Why did I have to write so many functions for the Imaginator and Conductor? what are the Imaginator and Conductor and how do they relate to auto comm? Describe the amount of writing which is required. Add ARC, Crag, Drifter, Mac, Hive management descriptions for AutoComm!
    • Added new page: siege.html

    • Added new page: space cow ranch
    • Swapped rank.htm with siege.html for navmenu
    • Made the Siege and Experience directory more pretty with main (background green) and scroll...
    • Update Siege Maps directory and Guitar Experience directory to include more data
    • Updated main to be 1 col

    • Updated Nav
    • No longer clogged by all college projects. Now college projects (alg, database ... all go inside the "College" nav menu section. Allowing more room for my Guitar songwritings and recordings and Video Game deisgn)
    • Seperated college changelog from new index changelog!
    • Added:
    • Maybe a new nav menu section for my android APK with DB connecting to the back end of this website
    • Get the GP file for 8500 psychopaths
    • Fill in the content for: Cockatiel, Microdosing (podcasts)
    • Make the experience page look nicer
    • Come up with some better CSS colors to not be eye cancer
    10.8.19 Added /podcast/kae_40_antenna_collaborator
    Also added: KAE 59 Where my mouth is (template), KAE 61 Louder (template)
    Add the other songs from KAE 40 - Antidote for a scary movie and A7X remixed (these are unlisted in the original songwriting list inside experience.html - add a new list of "Remixed" that are not completely "Original")
    Beautify the experience page lists
    10.7.19 Added /podcast/kae_51_not_crazy
    updated /song/good_nights_rest
    added nav to the new pages
    added two other podcasts - KAE 59 Where my mouth is and KAE 61 - Louder
    Complete the other pages where I added: KAE 59 - Where my Mouth is and KAE 61 - Louder
    10.6.19 Added two pages:
    1. Experience.html
    2. /song/good_nights_rest.html
    3. (Actually I added a whole bunch more pages in the /song/ directory (Each song listed in the "experience.html" page has its own unique page (matching the identical linkedcss styling ;)))
    Two Things:
    1. I'd like to re-arrange the navbar. Section off the current selection of classes(database, android, algebra, java.. (classes as in courses lol)) inside of a new category "College" which will display the old navbar style once inside it. Like a time machine for preservation. This way it will allow room for another selection on the navbar: "Guitar".
    2. I would like the "Guitar" area to link to "experience.html" once I pretty up that page by adding in detail for every song and podcast. So far I've written a skeleton of one song page file "Good Nights Rest".For the songs to have: GP writings in picture, my audio playthrough on soundcloud. Whatever else (Rocksmith file? youtube video playthrough? (me and/or notation on rocksmith)).
    3. Third thing way down the line after the guitar is to document more NS2 Siege.. the 30 maps and each room (and videos and all backup files or whatever else.)
    3.26.19 Actually within the past 3 months, I've worked on database(s) behind the scenes within this website hosting. I have a database within mysql! and a variation of website displaying data, and .. Android app which downloads the mysql and converts it into SQL for offline usage. Siege 15 16 17 19 Credit Karma Data MNSCards.apk ~~ mnscardsdatabase ~~ from public to private -- or ... demo tech demonstration in progress other than mnscards instagram! (other words.. doesn't make sense to external readers. Pity!)
    3.26.19 The only difference here is the length of time between updates in comparison to last year! AHH. Well. Uhh, well ... what can I say other than .... HHHHHHHHMMMMMMMM Guide , Find --- Direction -- Without one is .. not .. logical, as Tuvok would say. Such as not having bullet points. UH OH. CHAOS. OH NO, WHERE's MY SENSE?
    10.20.18, 10.22.18
    1. April 2017 Siege -- Credits JSON -- Converted into Database Table -- Javs JSP Servlet Object ConnectionPool Glasshfish generated htm--
    2. Link
    3. 4 hour span recording of Proving Ground server documenting 156 unique connections. Karma system linked with trello. JSON plugin
      with LUA for ns2 shine plugin to save SQL information.
    4. backround color from #93B874 to #4D6F62 , no image, lots of css color changes for lack of eye cancer


    1. I want more versions of credits posted from 2015 onwards, all versions I have.
      • 6 8 2015
        8 10 2015
        9 9 2015
        12 1 2015
        1 15 2016
        1 20 2016
    2. I want more setup with this page over time as well.