
Exceptions Problems in java code that interrupt normal execution Two types 1) Errors ~~ ~~~ ~~~ 2)Exceptions - can be "handled". runtimeexcepion ioexcepion securityexception Throwable - subclass of error Can't do much w/ runtime error code has to check exception no wide net to catch all everything i can think of that can go wrong has to two types Checked Unchecked just incase error happens, runtimeexception Exception Classes Where can it happen? Main(Exception can be here) Call Call Calc Calc (Best place to put exception here) Parseint Examples if(parameter val is not an int) throw new NumberFormatException() -- particular - System Stack go bottums up go down w/ code exceptions stop code & restart or circumvent restart process stop & sends to previous point (not w/o code o handle it) try { value = Integer.parseInt(str); myArray[row] = value } catch(NumberFomatException nfe) - first underneath is most specific { print("Enter Integer") } catch() { print("Index out..") } catch() { print } catch(Exception e) - anything else { print } Enclose code that might generate an error. try must be followed by one or more catch. Be diplomatic where I put things. Catch it where Im doing the stuff. Avoid two seperate catch blocks. I want 1. try catch (potenial eror in r) catch (potential error in z) public void x call y public void y call z public void z point of exceptions is to not stop code a default(no param) excepion_objec_idenifier.Sring //-- print out exception name pass in() enter string IE "Enter INT" throws NumberFormatException public char charAt(int i) { if (i more than this.length) throw new StringIndexOutOBoundsException(); else return } refocus brings back to where exception occured numfield.requestFocus() (inside try) I can make my own throws exception as "throws" && making new class of with matchin method calling super public float quotient(int num, int denom) throws AttemptedDivideByZeroException { if (denom == 0) thow new AttemptedDivideByZeroException(); return (float)num/denom; } ///extends Exception class AttemptedDivideByZeroException extends Exception //making our own exception public AttemptedDivideByZeroException() { super("zero divide error"); } try with a loop is not as good as a loop with a try try { while(hasmoreTokens oken = i = } if indexof(".") != -1 throw new InorrectValueExcepion(); //acts like a return //when it's not right //rest of formula here without else for IncorrectValue //try looks at 1 line. If exception then breaks out of while && move on. Process quicker //throw new IncorrecValueException("Qualit mus be int") - alternative while // not something i can stop unlike the try while above { try { } catch (IncorrectValueException ivf) { } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aoe) { } catch { } } //While loop doesn't stop once one is returned. Problem if looking for 5 we may have 4 //One overwrites the next //Try location is critical. Think about where the problem can be. Third way- Propagating Exceptions - both inside && outside while Inside method try{ while( call method with bottum try ){} } catch() --- caught as bottum try. Catches here and throws at the bottum try. Pauses at this point if bottum try is catched. Can't do anything if catched. Until it handles exception. Can be stopped && refocused. Depends when i'm returning if(){} inside method try{}// --- this is being thrown. Throws back into while loop catch{} //stops if called. Completely different thrown than other try catch catch{} //stops if called. Completely different thrown than other try catch Seperate exceptions thrown in seperate locations