Submit input type reset

HTML Forms

First name:

Last name:

If you click the "Submit" button, the form-data will be sent to a page called "/action_page.php".

HTML Forms

First name:

Last name:

If you click the "Submit" button, the form-data will be sent to a page called "/action_page.php".

Radio Buttons

I have a bike
I have a car
Buttons are different than reset and submit button. Reset and submit are input. Don't mix them up. //Technical difficulties I missed details on input select gives a list

The select Element

The select element defines a drop-down list:

The select Element

The select element defines a drop-down list:

The select Element

The select element defines a drop-down list:

The select Element

The select element defines a drop-down list:

Hold CTRL to select multiple values

Pre-selected Option

You can preselect an option with the selected attribute.

Pre-selected Option

You can preselect an option with the selected attribute.

The multiple Attributes

The multiple attribute specifies that the user is allowed to enter more than one value in the input element.

Select images:

Try selecting more than one file when browsing for files.

Note: The multiple attribute of the input tag is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions. textarea tag
the more it varies I use a text area Input controls - DAta input controls Text input controls method = "post" action = "mailto" one mail form to a page //Nothing inside center. Creates box. Are you married? Yes / No Yes No //name for each is same checkbox allows visitor Submit button is an input type. Not a button type. Label tag Forms are on proj && hw Border, Padding all included, display is inline-block hover changed to red input[type=submit]:hover { background-color: red; } gonna need size = , max length =, selective and multiple put on the attributes they dont go in css. not setup yet

A full-width input field:

Colored text fields:

Result Size: 669 x 621 ?

Colored text fields:

? ? Italics, bold, font family Width are not same as size and max length

Colored text fields:

fix above

Animated search input: This textarea lets us put infinite amt. Though has to scroll down. Control to web designer This is a button. It's differen Forms and how they work. Example What is your martial status Married Divorced What activities do you enjoy swimming sailling tennis hiking What kind of car do you drive Blah blah blah what are your plans the rest of the summer textarea submit

label tag