----------------- --------------- Folder Name (Folder) Assets (Folder) > Contain an image HTML1 HTML2 HTML3 ------------- ------------- ---------------- https://www.w3schools.com/ https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_default is first line saying its a html file is next line (which closes laster on with ) is next (all business, meta tag, style tag, linking, none of the content goes in there, no page content) (what does the page need to render? to the search engine that comes walking by) (Script tags, JavaScript, Does not go in the middle opening closing and body ) (title tag) is the content (Heading Tag, Paragraph tag, Anything that marks up content. Nothing more than tags,unicode) (paragraph tag gives indentation, bold, default black, large font size, change w/CSS) (Style tag, CSS, all formatting is done in CSS. No formatting w/ attributes. NO ATTRIBUTES) // within 2. HTML INTRODUCTION What is HTML? HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Tables are not used for page layout. //They are used to setup tabular content. //CSS IS used for page layout almost entirely •The declaration defines this document to be HTML5 •The element is the root element of an HTML page •The element contains meta information about the document •The element specifies a title for the document •The <body> element contains the visible page content •The <h1> element defines a large heading •The <p> element defines a paragraph //Classes or IDS go within the opening tag seperated by the blank //There is no debugger. My eye balls are it, my brain cells are it. I need to be good problem solver. //Within opening tab are structural attributes. //Make sure the end tag is within any other tag //DO NOT OVERLAP. The head has to be on top. HTML BASIC //DO NOT LEAVE OUT THE HEAD TAG. value goes up, font size goes smaller <h1> </h1> <h2> </h2> <h3> </h3> <h4> </h4> Setting apart content Types of content on a page Later on: Anchor Tag What she calls her Bookmarks' click on top, bring down https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic_paragraphs The paragraph tag <p></p> //Indentation <p>This is a paragraph.</p> <p>This is another paragraph.</p> CSS is for spacing, not blank paragraph Basically a chunk of content, whatever i'm going to be presenting. //No links or imgs today HTML Elements https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_elements.asp If I want single spacing then I want <br> tag , because it's single spacing. Its useful for a # of things. Especially tables, when we want condensed and not spread out. Can I put <br> within paragraph? Yes I can. It breaks up. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> h1{font-size:60px;} </style> <title>

Heading 1

Blah blah blah

h1{font-size:60px;} = embedded css

Heading 1

// //she took out in line, 100% incorrect, she will mark it wrong //two places for css, 1 in file, 2nd place opening closing style in head tag. A OR B no C https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_headings.asp https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_headings_hr BEFORE

This is heading 1

This is some text.

This is heading 2

This is some other text.

This is heading 2

This is some other text.


This is heading 1

This is some text.

This is heading 2

This is some other text.

This is heading 2

This is some other text.

//hrFormatting.html save as all files HTML Paragraphs https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_paragraphs.asp HTML Display https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_paragraphs2 BEFORE

This paragraph contains a lot of lines in the source code, but the browser ignores it.

This paragraph contains a lot of spaces in the source code, but the browser ignores it.

The number of lines in a paragraph depends on the size of the browser window. If you resize the browser window, the number of lines in this paragraph will change.


This paragraph
contains a lot of lines
in the source code,
but the browser
ignores it.

This paragraph contains a lot of spaces in the source code, but the browser ignores it.

The number of lines in a paragraph depends on the size of the browser window. If you resize the browser window, the number of lines in this paragraph will change.

HTML COMMENTS https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_comments.asp

This is a paragraph.

CSS INTRODUCTION https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_intro.asp //Covering all, The CSS Box Model is bedrock CSS SYNTAX https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_syntax.asp h1 = selector { Color:blue, color = property, blue = value, = declaration ; font-size:12px; } //First rule: Align, to see. For human eyes. //Indendation CSS How To