
Normalization What does it mean? It's putting the right attribute into the right tables to avoid anomalies. A design thing, not a coding "select statements". Why do we have 5 tables and not or 7? Process of many stages called "Normal Forms" //simple key. 10 tables with 1 attri. is bad. What should a table look like? "oh right attr. are in there. Do exta things like keys) for this class we have to know small reg id Order of normal form: 1-nf 2-nf 3-nf bc-nf (boyce codd?) 4-nf (really stage 5) 5-nf (really stage 6) dk-nf (domain key) (know definition of 1-4) (operate in this class 1-3) know definition of b.c && 4 dont neeed to know names other than 4,5,dk if we're working on 2nd form, then im also in 1st form if im in 3rd nf, then im in 1st, 2nd and 3rd A,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i ----- (A,B,C == primary key) (A-I.related = true) (Same table) ------ 1st normal form all attribtues are single value, ( Table format, no repeating groups, and PK identifie) violation of 1st normal form when any non key attribute is multi valued ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 2nf violation partial attributes - when any non key attribute is determined by only part of the key 3nf violation - transitive dependency --